Soziales Engagement

Unseren Erfolg teilen wir gerne – als erfolgreiches Unternehmen sehen wir uns dazu „verpflichtet“ sozialer Verantwortung nachzukommen und zwar nicht nur, indem wir Arbeitsplätze schaffen. Dieser Verantwortung stellen wir uns gerne und so unterstützen wir schon seit Anbeginn der VCC mehrere soziale Projekte und Organisationen. Als Unternehmen mit regionalen Wurzeln liegt ein Teil unseres Engagements in lokalen Projekten. Dabei liegt uns vor allem das Wohlergehen von Kindern und Tieren am Herzen, also denjenigen die keine Stimme haben, um Ihren Standpunkt selbst zu vertreten.

Unterstützte Projekte und Organisationen:

  • Kinderhilfe Eckental
  • Hoffmann Group Foundation
  • Verein für Kinder Sicherheit im Straßenverkehr e.V.
  • Staatliches Schulamt im Landkreis LL Brandschutzerziehung/Brandschutzaufklärung
  • FC Greifenberg
Adresse: Schongauer Str. 3,
86899 Landsberg am Lech
Telefon: +49-8191-94030-0
Werktags: 8:30 - 17:30
Service: +49-8191-94030-55


There are many myths passed on from the greater culture that how we think. Some people. To think that to design. Consulting WP approaches every client’s business as if it were our own.

The web design industry has been undergoing tremendoes to meeteo the demand of users all over to have more access to content. Between  phones, tablets, and desktops, accessibility on the web.

Statistical Indicator

The web design industry has been undergoing tremendous changes to meeteo the demand of users all over to have more access to content. Between  phones, tablets, and desktops, accessibility on the web is so easy that website owners need to ensure they accommodate the demand. orem Ipsum is thetonat.

  • Customize and Create
  • Meet the Team
  • Friends & Clients
  • Wonderful Icon Fonts
  • Page Builder Included
  • Adventure Time

The web design industry has been undergoing tremendoes to meeteo the demand of users all over to have more access to content. Between  phones, tablets, and desktops, accessibility on the web.

Statistical Indicator

The web design industry has been undergoing tremendous changes to meeteo the demand of users all over to have more access to content. Between  phones, tablets, and desktops, accessibility on the web is so easy that website owners need to ensure they accommodate the demand. orem Ipsum is thetonat.

  • Customize and Create
  • Meet the Team
  • Friends & Clients
  • Wonderful Icon Fonts
  • Page Builder Included
  • Adventure Time

The web design industry has been undergoing tremendoes to meeteo the demand of users all over to have more access to content. Between  phones, tablets, and desktops, accessibility on the web.

Statistical Indicator

The web design industry has been undergoing tremendous changes to meeteo the demand of users all over to have more access to content. Between  phones, tablets, and desktops, accessibility on the web is so easy that website owners need to ensure they accommodate the demand. orem Ipsum is thetonat.

  • Customize and Create
  • Meet the Team
  • Friends & Clients
  • Wonderful Icon Fonts
  • Page Builder Included
  • Adventure Time

The web design industry has been undergoing tremendoes to meeteo the demand of users all over to have more access to content. Between  phones, tablets, and desktops, accessibility on the web.

Statistical Indicator

The web design industry has been undergoing tremendous changes to meeteo the demand of users all over to have more access to content. Between  phones, tablets, and desktops, accessibility on the web is so easy that website owners need to ensure they accommodate the demand. orem Ipsum is thetonat.

  • Customize and Create
  • Meet the Team
  • Friends & Clients
  • Wonderful Icon Fonts
  • Page Builder Included
  • Adventure Time

The web design industry has been undergoing tremendoes to meeteo the demand of users all over to have more access to content. Between  phones, tablets, and desktops, accessibility on the web.

Statistical Indicator

The web design industry has been undergoing tremendous changes to meeteo the demand of users all over to have more access to content. Between  phones, tablets, and desktops, accessibility on the web is so easy that website owners need to ensure they accommodate the demand. orem Ipsum is thetonat.

  • Customize and Create
  • Meet the Team
  • Friends & Clients
  • Wonderful Icon Fonts
  • Page Builder Included
  • Adventure Time

The web design industry has been undergoing tremendoes to meeteo the demand of users all over to have more access to content. Between  phones, tablets, and desktops, accessibility on the web.

Statistical Indicator

The web design industry has been undergoing tremendous changes to meeteo the demand of users all over to have more access to content. Between  phones, tablets, and desktops, accessibility on the web is so easy that website owners need to ensure they accommodate the demand. orem Ipsum is thetonat.

  • Customize and Create
  • Meet the Team
  • Friends & Clients
  • Wonderful Icon Fonts
  • Page Builder Included
  • Adventure Time

The web design industry has been undergoing tremendoes to meeteo the demand of users all over to have more access to content. Between  phones, tablets, and desktops, accessibility on the web.

Statistical Indicator

The web design industry has been undergoing tremendous changes to meeteo the demand of users all over to have more access to content. Between  phones, tablets, and desktops, accessibility on the web is so easy that website owners need to ensure they accommodate the demand. orem Ipsum is thetonat.

  • Customize and Create
  • Meet the Team
  • Friends & Clients
  • Wonderful Icon Fonts
  • Page Builder Included
  • Adventure Time